Sunday, November 30, 2008



Results from the SWAT B/C meet are posted on the lobby bulletin board. If you'd like to view the complete meet result, it's on the North Texas Swimming site here. MAC finished second in team scoring.

MAC individual entries for the COR Winter Classic are also posted in the lobby. Any "A" swimmers who didn't enter before the deadline can still swim in the meet. If you "deck enter" at the meet, make sure you bring your USA Swimming card with you.

Expect more "elbow room" at our December meets. The "A", "BB", and "B/C" meets will all be held at large pools with plenty of deck space for swimmers and upstairs seating for spectators. The A meet is at Loos, the BB meet at Keller, and the B/C meet will be at Carroll.


Please remember to put names on swim fins. If (when?) they're misplaced, we can get them back on the right (and left) feet sooner.


We have a home dual meet against Lamar H.S. Tuesday evening. Please remember to enter through the northeast door for practices.


It means a lot to our staff when they hear parents say "thanks" for the job they're doing with the kiddos. We're glad y'all are part of the MAC program.

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